

{what i got}

karl springer console table
couldn't help myself
went to buffalo!

one on etsy



on CL in Rochester
$600 or offer

picture source
on 1stdibs



converted my pace etagere into a console table
need to make some brass or lucite legs to stabilize the center stress point

brilliant idea, sis!


{what betsy got}

who doesn't love button chairs...francois carre...if they don't work bets, they do on my front porch

& check this out. just amazing pattern

such lovelies....nice finds bets!


[what pond?}

currently growing in my "someday i'll have a" pond.

spooky dianthus - i love dianthus

not sure what these are, but the woman at the market said they were gorgeous, so i took a chance.

these are mom's japanese irises. i've decide to plant a lot of irises.

{what i got}

all these lovelies, like amazing lovelies....& it's all better than the picture

dripping crystal candlesticks are a present for my BFF

my favorite is the bird sculpture
spectacular piece

{an addition to the etagere}

delicate hand blown vessel

difficult to make out the label
can read
mundgeblasen ...glas Zurich

etagere getting quite full
need to start editing